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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

EMAP Giving It all Away

The old EMAP b2b business has announced that its Inform group is to abandon paid infomation (subs) from its web sites. I think we can assume that the revenue is modest to say the least. No one is giving up meaningful revenues in the current climate.

David Gilbertson, CEO argues that he has to give his digital advertisers what they want. Mmm. I suspect this is a bunch of not wildly succesful sites where another throw of the dice on the ad model is a hope not a promise. We all know that buulding meaningful ad revenue on line is tough. Some have succeeded - but not many. Does anybody out there know if this is real strategy from EMAP, or is it just that the information sales model isn't working on some sites so they think they had better try the ad model?



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